
Friday, 30 November 2012

Who's telling porkies?

A funny thing has happened here. The butter crisis has caused a bit of a melt down in another part of the Christmas foodchain.

According to the news last night, and echoed in the paper today, Norwegian supermarket chains are warning that there may well be a shortage of pork rib and salted dried racks of lamb (Pinnekjøtt) this Christmas. Both are traditional Christmas fayre, with over 90% of Norwegians eating either one or the other (or both) at Christmas!

Stangely enough, the supermarkets are brimful of both cuts of meat - there seems to be no lack of supply. The reporter on the news last night asked a supermarket manager whether this was a ploy on behalf of the main chains to get people to panic buy and stock up on more than they normally would. His reply was wonderfully evasive, suggesting that they might sell out on some days, but there would probably be enough for everyone, with'some' left over for Easter!

Ah well, the pork is certainly not on my shopping list (too fatty!) and I have yet to tackle pinnekjøtt, although apparently it tastes very good!

What is pinnekjøtt? It is racks of lamb, cured in brine or just salted for several weeks, which are then hung up to finish curing in a cold dark place. In areas of Norway where the cold weather comes a little late for the meat to be ready by Christmas, the racks are also smoked - anything to stop it going mouldy!  Preparation of  pinnekjøtt involves separating the ribs and then soaking the meat to get rid of excess salt before steaming for about 3 hours in a large pot over birch sticks. Serve with potatoes and mashed swede!

The name pinnekjøtt literally means stick meat, from the use of the birch sticks in the cooking process!

It's funny - I am so used to living in the UK where food of any description is available at all times of the year, either fresh or frozen. Here in Norway, because their markets are so protected supplies of food are much more seasonal. We get masses of lamb and mutton for fårikål in September/October but for the rest of the year it is almost imossible to find! Frozen lamb sometimes appears in the supermarket, but the trick is to buy lots in the autumn and freeze it yourself! Minced lamb is a rareity unless you go to the halal supermarkets.
Still, the selection in the supermarket has vastly improved since our visit in the 90's so shouldm't complain - just be more savvy. When it's there buy it!

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