
Monday, 24 September 2012

Back again!

Sorry to have been quiet for so long, but as most of you know I have been away on holiday (Portugal and the UK). So the past 3 weeks have been very busy and fun, and surprisingly warm and sunny!!!

So imagine how I felt, waking up today to Bergen under a sun-filled heaven! Amazing! And it has stayed more or less the same all day. Of course, it is only 8 degrees C out there, but you can't have everything! Apparently though, while we have been away it has rained cats and dogs every day. Now Bergen is showing it's good side again which is lovely!

Even on holiday though, we kept getting reminders of Norway - the most notable being the piles of dried cod in the supermarket in Tavira. If you bought more than 3 kilos you could get it for Euros 8.99 per kilo - I must compare that with the prices here!  Still have some of my supply from Lofoten though, so no need to buy any yet.

Stockfish from Norway in the supermarket in Portugal

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